Saturday, January 10, 2009

Nothing really new to report from my little corner of the world. The move is fast approaching and we are on a mad hunt for boxes haha. It's funny what happens when you are packing up for a move, especially if you've been settled for a few years. The things you find are so unexpected. Running across things you completely forgot you had (especially us pack-rat types). I keep saying it's pretty fun, like shopping all over again....except all the merchandise is free this time around. :D

Jan. 10, 2009
Our lost person has returned, as unlikely as it seemed. She had taken up hiding in the dollar store about a mile from our location. She did return with some interesting information; during her hunt for supplies she was able to discover that the aliens have set up headquarters in Wal-mart. With the aliens having such a diverse stock of supplies (at unbeatable prices) I fear the worst. She has volunteered to help me draw up a map of the surrounding area for my up-coming trek though, for this I am greatfull....

1 comment:

  1. If you were around I'd give you some of our extra boxes. We still have a bunch from our move over a year ago that we broke down and stashed. I just unpacked a few boxes yesterday and I totally know what you mean about finding hidden stuff that you forgot about. It's like Christmas all over again :)
