In the house.....I repeat we are in the house.....
Pics to come soon of all my new crap that I have to keep clean haha!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Well, things change....

So, mom-in-law is not going to be living with us after all. this has it's pro's and cons.....Pro: we get the house to ourselves :D Con: We pay mom rent lol
It's all good though.
So today we're moving to the house...officially starting to stay there. We're bringing everything important and bringing the rest over the course of this next week. Mike and Humberto are coming over to help us move all the big stuff. I think mostly I'll just be at the house in the backyard with the boys and the dogs, keeping them out of the way.
My short story is taking a sabbatical if you havn't noticed, I'm far to frazzled to think of where to take the story right now hahaha.
The pic of the just because I'm missing them lol
Friday, January 16, 2009
Been a while
Well, it's been a while since I've written what with the preparations for moving along with the unbelievable dramatics from the in-laws, don't ask just suffice it to say it's....WOW, my brain hasn't been in the blogging place haha. The kids have been their same crazy selves and I'm still looking forward to the move for the simple fact that they will have a big yard to go crazy in :D
Looks like my mother in law may be living with us in the house for about a year, which is perfectly fine with me. I like her and she likes me and she's not the "typical" nosey mother-in-law stereotype that floats around. Besides, we've lived with her before and shes always nice and helpful, it only gets hard when we get desperate for some privacy, but I don't see that being an issue this time around. Shes taking the 2 bedrooms and bath downstairs and leaving the entire ground floor to us. This way she'll be able to really make her own space out of the downstairs, and considering the downstairs and the ground floor each have their own entrance it'll be a duplex with a communal kitchen hahahha.
Looks like my mother in law may be living with us in the house for about a year, which is perfectly fine with me. I like her and she likes me and she's not the "typical" nosey mother-in-law stereotype that floats around. Besides, we've lived with her before and shes always nice and helpful, it only gets hard when we get desperate for some privacy, but I don't see that being an issue this time around. Shes taking the 2 bedrooms and bath downstairs and leaving the entire ground floor to us. This way she'll be able to really make her own space out of the downstairs, and considering the downstairs and the ground floor each have their own entrance it'll be a duplex with a communal kitchen hahahha.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Nothing really new to report from my little corner of the world. The move is fast approaching and we are on a mad hunt for boxes haha. It's funny what happens when you are packing up for a move, especially if you've been settled for a few years. The things you find are so unexpected. Running across things you completely forgot you had (especially us pack-rat types). I keep saying it's pretty fun, like shopping all over again....except all the merchandise is free this time around. :D
Jan. 10, 2009
Our lost person has returned, as unlikely as it seemed. She had taken up hiding in the dollar store about a mile from our location. She did return with some interesting information; during her hunt for supplies she was able to discover that the aliens have set up headquarters in Wal-mart. With the aliens having such a diverse stock of supplies (at unbeatable prices) I fear the worst. She has volunteered to help me draw up a map of the surrounding area for my up-coming trek though, for this I am greatfull....
Jan. 10, 2009
Our lost person has returned, as unlikely as it seemed. She had taken up hiding in the dollar store about a mile from our location. She did return with some interesting information; during her hunt for supplies she was able to discover that the aliens have set up headquarters in Wal-mart. With the aliens having such a diverse stock of supplies (at unbeatable prices) I fear the worst. She has volunteered to help me draw up a map of the surrounding area for my up-coming trek though, for this I am greatfull....
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Self-fullfilling prophecy

What did I tell you?! Seriously?! How did I know....maybe because it was obvious....
Well, My kitty is gone. My little tiny cat girl is *poof*. I had this dumb hope that she would be fine with the 10 ft walls in the backyard....please, shes a cat. You can't keep a cat contained if they're outdoors. Anyway, I refilled her food dish, in case she's still around to keep her coming back, but she's never been outside before, I don't know how her sense of direction is.
Jan 8, 2009
We lost someone last night. She went out for supplies and didn't come back. All of us here are hoping she found a better hiding place to bed down for the night, but I think we all know that that's wishful thinking. I'm really starting to consider my idea to try to trek to an unpopulated area of the country...maybe live in a cave...maybe go deep underground. I was thinking of asking a few people to go with me, but after some consideration I think it will be safer to travel alone, boy I'm glad I hadn't asked anyone yet. More later....a few people are talking about putting together a "search party"....oh boy...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Ok, thought of something
Alrighty, I have something to write. This move stuff is killing me. I don't deal with stress well, and most often times things that stress other people out just kinda roll off me. For some reason this move is kickin my butt. Even though the timing ended up really well, I don't know, it's rubbing me the wrong way.
Maybe it's because the 4 and a half years I've been here in our little apartment is the longest I've ever lived ANYWHERE. I feel like I'm at home, and I can't remember another time in my life that I have ever felt that way. I just barely started allowing myself to settle in and make this place homey about a year ago....and now I have to let it go, I feel stupid for letting my guard down. And now I have to start all over trying to feel at home in a new place. At least this will be OUR home....belonging to us, and I really have no reason to fear moving again......maybe the "home" feeling will come sooner......I doubt it.
On a side note about this move....and this is not helping my stress dogs and my cat. Thanks to my landlords (I seriously almost typed something else, but i'll keep it "G" rated) my furry babies had to move ahead of us. They're at the house already, but my in-laws havn't moved out yet. And since my in-laws are sooooo very anti-pet they have to be outside 24/7. I know, I know, big deal Rose, the animals are outside....but yes to me it is a big deal. all 3 of them are indoor only pets. My little dog is 3lbs at best and my big dog is **maybe** 10lbs. They havn't been outside since I brought them home at 6 weeks old. They're frightened and I KNOW my chiihuahua is freazing her butt off...but its only a few weeks, they'll be OK. The cat is an indoor only cat, she is also very small for an adult cat....but she's a cat and resorsful, she'll be OK.....but she's OUTSIDE and a CAT...she could very well take off......or get knocked up by a roaving Tom......yarg. All of this is small stuff....the biggest issue, I miss them....a lot.
Anyways.....end whining rant.
Jan 7, 2009 evening
Things have quieted down, i feel safe enough to sit by the window and write by the moonlight now. There is a small group of humans trying to think of a decent peace offering to give the alien race, in hopes of peace and assimilation. I think I may join them. The rest of the humans are angry with this group though, calling them traitors and terrorists, acting violently toward them and creating a rift between our own people. Honestly I don't know who to be more afraid of....the aliens or the humans. I'm considering running away by cover of night, maybe I can find an area with little inhabitation, somewhere the aliens have no real interest in. The only thing stopping me is the fear of having to find a decent hiding place at sunrise everday during my travels...more later.....I need my rest......everyday requires all the strength I can muster....both mentally and physically.
Maybe it's because the 4 and a half years I've been here in our little apartment is the longest I've ever lived ANYWHERE. I feel like I'm at home, and I can't remember another time in my life that I have ever felt that way. I just barely started allowing myself to settle in and make this place homey about a year ago....and now I have to let it go, I feel stupid for letting my guard down. And now I have to start all over trying to feel at home in a new place. At least this will be OUR home....belonging to us, and I really have no reason to fear moving again......maybe the "home" feeling will come sooner......I doubt it.
On a side note about this move....and this is not helping my stress dogs and my cat. Thanks to my landlords (I seriously almost typed something else, but i'll keep it "G" rated) my furry babies had to move ahead of us. They're at the house already, but my in-laws havn't moved out yet. And since my in-laws are sooooo very anti-pet they have to be outside 24/7. I know, I know, big deal Rose, the animals are outside....but yes to me it is a big deal. all 3 of them are indoor only pets. My little dog is 3lbs at best and my big dog is **maybe** 10lbs. They havn't been outside since I brought them home at 6 weeks old. They're frightened and I KNOW my chiihuahua is freazing her butt off...but its only a few weeks, they'll be OK. The cat is an indoor only cat, she is also very small for an adult cat....but she's a cat and resorsful, she'll be OK.....but she's OUTSIDE and a CAT...she could very well take off......or get knocked up by a roaving Tom......yarg. All of this is small stuff....the biggest issue, I miss them....a lot.
Anyways.....end whining rant.
Jan 7, 2009 evening
Things have quieted down, i feel safe enough to sit by the window and write by the moonlight now. There is a small group of humans trying to think of a decent peace offering to give the alien race, in hopes of peace and assimilation. I think I may join them. The rest of the humans are angry with this group though, calling them traitors and terrorists, acting violently toward them and creating a rift between our own people. Honestly I don't know who to be more afraid of....the aliens or the humans. I'm considering running away by cover of night, maybe I can find an area with little inhabitation, somewhere the aliens have no real interest in. The only thing stopping me is the fear of having to find a decent hiding place at sunrise everday during my travels...more later.....I need my rest......everyday requires all the strength I can muster....both mentally and physically.
In the beginning.......

Rose was talked into having a blog......and it was good.
Anyhow, this is where I am starting it. I havn't really wrapped my brain around what to write just yet, but it'll come to me. I suppose, as this is the norm for a journal I should talk about whats going on here at home, with me, but I am afraid that that is terribly boring. So instead....
Jan 7, 2009
It has only been a few days since the aliens came. I'm not sure how long we'll make it in hiding. They came offering peace, but the situation quickly deteriorated. I'm not sure why the president thought that they were harboring weapons of mass destruction....but ever since the armed forces invaded the mothership everything has gone downhill. More later.....I hear something outside.....
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