Thursday, February 4, 2010
My body sucks!
LOL....OK not in the looks way (even though that leaves something to be desired too) in the...I way I guess. I'm getting oooooolllllddddd. Not really but I feel like it. Every time I turn around a new something is wrong with me. My ankles ache in bad back cracks if I think about it lol. Blah. Oh and you wanna hear a good one? OK, so I'm sitting at my vanity looking at all my feminine junk...and I take note of my "face creams". Now what sounds wrong here? I have is anti-wrinkle cream...the other is acne cream! How can I possibly be worried about acne and wrinkles at the same time?! Aren't those like 2 completely different fazes of life? one would think. lol oh well....end rant.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Ok....well then.... it's been MONTHS since I posted. Lots has happened...both the boys had a birthday.
Tony turned 4

Alex turned 6

Lots has changed in the world of parenting for me, as they get older so much changes, I don't think I'm handling it too well. I don't seem to relate to them as well as I did when they were toddlers....I dunno, I've always been able to understand toddlers very well, and the more they become "kid" the less I understand them. I'm getting better though and they are learning to express what they want and need, and I am learning to comprehend the language of kid-dom haha.
I've been homeschooling the boys, home school was NEVER my intention but it works best for our situation, and as it turns out it seems to be spectacularly good for Alex. Alex has a very unique personality and a "different" way of expressing himself. He always has, I don't think it's a "flaw". It's just who he is. And who he is is great. All that being said, I think with his...unique...qualities he would've been either left in the dust or pigeon holed into special ed in public school. As it turns out the kid is pure brain i tell you what. He just doesn't know how to express it. He is very far ahead, and I have a feeling he might skip first grade. He is reading and writing, and understands concepts that truly surprise me. His conferences and assessments have all been spectacular. I really think home school is the best thing that ever happened to this boy.
Tony, not so much taking off in the home school thing. I think it has more to do with the fact that he's 4 than anything...I mean he has the attention span of a gnat lol. Next year when he officially starts kinder will be the real test for him. Don't get me wrong he's quick as a as a tack....he's just a squirrel! Can't get that kid to sit still and focus.
Otherwise, we're pluggin along same ol' same ol'. Which is fine by me. I love the stability and comfort of being married to a man I have known 15 years and been in love with for 11.
Tony turned 4

Alex turned 6

Lots has changed in the world of parenting for me, as they get older so much changes, I don't think I'm handling it too well. I don't seem to relate to them as well as I did when they were toddlers....I dunno, I've always been able to understand toddlers very well, and the more they become "kid" the less I understand them. I'm getting better though and they are learning to express what they want and need, and I am learning to comprehend the language of kid-dom haha.
I've been homeschooling the boys, home school was NEVER my intention but it works best for our situation, and as it turns out it seems to be spectacularly good for Alex. Alex has a very unique personality and a "different" way of expressing himself. He always has, I don't think it's a "flaw". It's just who he is. And who he is is great. All that being said, I think with his...unique...qualities he would've been either left in the dust or pigeon holed into special ed in public school. As it turns out the kid is pure brain i tell you what. He just doesn't know how to express it. He is very far ahead, and I have a feeling he might skip first grade. He is reading and writing, and understands concepts that truly surprise me. His conferences and assessments have all been spectacular. I really think home school is the best thing that ever happened to this boy.
Tony, not so much taking off in the home school thing. I think it has more to do with the fact that he's 4 than anything...I mean he has the attention span of a gnat lol. Next year when he officially starts kinder will be the real test for him. Don't get me wrong he's quick as a as a tack....he's just a squirrel! Can't get that kid to sit still and focus.
Otherwise, we're pluggin along same ol' same ol'. Which is fine by me. I love the stability and comfort of being married to a man I have known 15 years and been in love with for 11.

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