Well, I havn't written in what feels like a coon's age....
Maybe that's because I havn't much to say lol.
Well, I've been unpacking like a maniac because the in-laws moved into their new house and now I have the space to unload my things. The boys are ending up with quite the set-up downstairs....we gave them the whole downstairs area, seeing as there is a master bedroom upstairs for Eddie and I, there's really nothing else to do with that giant area down there.
So, downstairs there are 2 rooms, a master bedroom that is really large and the other room is joined, separated by only a door, and that second room is rather small. In between the 2 rooms is a bathroom. In the large room I have put both their beds, their toy box's and when Eddie is done fixing it their computer will go in there too. In the small room they have a "living room".....That's what Tony calls it, and he's very excited about it haha. They have their dresser, TV and 2 folding chairs in there right now.....I'm on the hunt for a futon for that room....seating for them and a sleep space for visiting cousins. It's coming together well....the boys are starting to like it...it's just a little weird for me that short of a kitchen my 3 and 5 year old have their own apartment LOL
The upstairs is coming along and it's starting to look like "home". I'll post pics of the house as soon as it stops being a mess that looks like a storage facility......never ending boxes........
Well, at any rate, this is Tony with a view of about a quarter of the backyard lol